Australia’s Race to Net Zero: A Model for the World?

Australia’s Race to Net Zero A Model for the World
Image: wasiolka/

Australia’s journey toward net zero emissions offer valuable lessons for countries worldwide. In a speech at the recent Climate and Nature 2030 conference, Brad Archer, Chief Executive Officer of the Climate Change Authority, shared the responsibility and challenges facing the nation as it strives to meet its climate targets.

The Climate Change Authority (CCA) is a small yet influential federal agency. It plays an important role in shaping Australia’s climate policies. Composed of nine members including Australia’s Chief Scientist, the Authority operates with a mandate to provide independent, expert, and evidence based advice on climate change.

Archer’s speech is replete with insights with a clear sense of urgency and he offered a roadmap for how Australia can move forward in this global race against time.

A significant aspect of the Authority’s mission is its independence. “What distinguishes us from most other government agencies is that we provide independent advice,” said Archer. This autonomy ensures that the advice given is rooted in the best available science and is not swayed by political swings or pressure.

Read the full story in the September 2024 issue of Impact Leadership magazine.

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