G7 nations commit to phasing out unabated coal power by 2035

The Group of Seven (G7) announced a plan to end the use of “unabated” coal by 2035, leaving exceptions for some countries in particular contexts. The agreement allows coal usage to continue past the deadline if emissions are captured and ensures that overall emissions remain within limits to keep global warming under 1.5°C. This climate policy breakthrough came after years of negotiations and includes a provision to maintain countries’ economic stability while transitioning.

Despite the caveats, climate experts consider this a positive step toward reducing coal usage, which remains significant in Japan, Germany, and the U.S. However, analysts argue that coal use should end by 2030 and natural gas by 2035 to avoid surpassing the 1.5°C threshold. This agreement represents crucial leadership from the world’s wealthiest nations and may set a precedent for broader global policies. — CNN

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