How to Achieve our 2030 Targets in Circular Economy, EV Transition, Forests, Oceans, and Reducing Scope 3 Emissions

How to Achieve our 2030 Targets in Circular Economy, EV Transition, Forests, Oceans, and Reducing Scope 3 Emissions
Image: belle-co/Pexels

What will it take to achieve a truly sustainable future and deliver on the 2030 targets? This was the central question tackled by a powerhouse panel at the recent Impact X Summit: Climate and Nature 2030 conference in Sydney. During the breakout sessions, leading experts and facilitators guided participants through in-depth conversations and dynamic group discussions, focusing on defining and delivering Australia’s 2030 targets across key areas: Circular Economy, EV Transition, Forests, Oceans, and Reducing Scope 3 Emissions.

Experts from diverse sectors — ranging from circular economy advocates to electric vehicle proponents — convened to explore the pressing challenges and potential solutions that could pave the way to a sustainable future by 2030. Each speaker shared insights that were the culmination of in-depth, topic-focused discussions held among experts in their respective fields. These insights were not just personal reflections but represented the collective wisdom and debates that emerged from these intensive group dialogues.

Read the full story in the September 2024 issue of Impact Leadership magazine.

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